DPI UAV Systems (DPI) has selected Robotic Skies as its global field maintenance provider for DPI’s unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV). DPI joins other original equipment UAV manufacturers to partner with Robotic Skies for maintenance services. With more than 100 field Service Centers around the globe, Robotic Skies will provide DPI with customer service, spares, and technical support, including the implementation of a comprehensive warranty program.

DPI UAVs are tandem helicopter and multirotor UAVs that can carry payloads of up to 450 lbs. They are ideal for industries that require precision flight; self-launch/land in unprepared terrain; fully autonomous capabilities; and simple, one-person operation. DPI UAVs are portable and cost-effective for industries such as: agriculture, forestry, wildfire life and safety, fisheries, geochemical discovery, precision photography and videography, precision mapping, search and rescue (SAR), and infrastructure assessment.

DPI UAV Systems DP-14 Hawk
Left: Configured to fly 24/7 for precision agriculture spraying and/or mosquito control. Right: Interior configured for medevac/casevac, providing immediate on-site O2, saline warmer, medical sensors, defribillator, and other equipment as needed to extend the Golden Hour of survival. (DP-14 Hawk includes an on-board generator to power payloads in-flight or in the field.)
“Our UAV are ideal for critical missions that require stable, precision flight; a small footprint for takeoff and landing; self-launch and intelligent self-land; and a high payload capacity,” says Michael Piasecki, Chief Executive Officer of DPI. “Our company is recognized for robust, low-cost UAV, world-class innovative design, extensive testing, and successful UAV deployment.”
DPI is the industry leader in small, rotary wing UAV in the United States. DPI UAVs have successfully flown thousands of hours, are military proven, and are now available for industry use.
“DPI is a prestigious addition to our active client group,” says Robotic Skies CEO and President Brad Hayden. “The company brings the best of both worlds to the UAV community: innovative and proven UAS technology that is grown from a rich aviation heritage.”
DPI’s roots go back 70 years to Frank N. Piasecki, who flew the second successful helicopter in the United States. Frank’s team was soon flying the first military tandem helicopter in the United States, and the largest helicopter at the time. Today, under the leadership of Michael Piasecki, DPI provides design, build, and flight services to customers such as the US Navy, NASA, and US Army TATRC; and to commercial aviation companies such as BAE, Northrup Grumman, and L3.